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Meet the Sergeant Major

I am a retired Sergeant Major, United States Army, and I decided to resurrect this blog after Donald Trumps most recent election.

As a result of my background I believe that I have a unique perspective, and I am here to share my personal thoughts and experiences. Join me as I reflect on what I believe are the important issues facing our country.

My Story


As I begin this blog I want to start by taking a moment and reflect on my life and history. As I'm sure you noticed I am a retired Sergeant Major. I am proud of having achieved that rank not least of which because it was not an easy path I took to get there. It took starts and stops, many errors and mistakes and a few things done right and some good fortune. I believe it very important that here, I state clearly that I am not a hero. I was and still am simply a soldier who did his duty to the best of his ability.


I grew up poor in a single parent home where my mother raised 7 children on her own.  Our life was not easy and we all worked hard to survive.


When I joined the military I was an 18 year old high school dropout without any prospects. I had only one thing going for me. I had come from a family that had always served and patriotism and determination ran deep. Today, I say with pride, that I come from a family that has had members serve in every conflict since the American Revolution. More recent generations include my grandfather and great uncles who served in the Spanish American War and World War I and my grandmother and my father and uncles who served in World War II. I served in Vietnam and my daughter served in the Navy and my grandson in the Marine Corp in Afghanistan.

During my career I served in a variety of positions from a Private in the infantry in Vietnam to my final assignment as a Post Sergeant Major. I know what it's like to crawl through the mud and to also walk the halls of the Pentagon.

I write these things for two simple reasons. I want you to know that I have served my country in combat and peace and I have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and it is from that perspective that I write these post.

This blog is my personal opinion and thoughts on the events happening in our country today. They do not in anyway represent the official position of any branch of the United States Armed Forces or Government in any way.

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