I am appalled and furious and I’m not going to take it anymore!
I believe the one thing that has me so angry is the complete and absolute abandonment of their Constitutional duties by the Republicans in the Senate and House.
We have a President that has come into office with a plan to become a dictator, “King” of the United States, and it is completely obvious to the most casual observer that this is so. The radical Republican 2025 plan is being implemented at warp speed to prevent any possible response from the American people and their elected representatives that want to uphold their oath of office. Donald Trump with the aid of Elon Musk is systematically dismantling our government and replacing all of the leaders with cronies who have pledged allegiance, not to the Constitution, but to Donald Trump and the billionaire radicals that have funded his coup. Yesterday he took the most important step a dictator can take to gain absolute control of a country. He fired the military leaders duly vetted and approved by Congress and replaced them with officers willing to abdicate their Constitutional duty and have pledged their fealty to Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
Bearing what I have just written in mind, I have recently received a news letter from my Senators office, Rick Scott of Florida, and every word of the news letter says that he is one hundred percent behind Donald Trump. To me this demonstrates something quite plainly. It demonstrates that Senator Scott is a co-conspirator and is not representing the citizens of Florida and that he has completely abandoned his oath of office. Whether he has done this out of pure ideological reasons or out of fear of retribution is actually not relevant. What is relevant is that it is treason.
As so many commentators have and are continuing to point out. Our nation is at a crossroads. We as a nation will either sit at home and complain about what is being done or we will get out of our recliners and go on the streets and call and write our elected representatives and demand that they adhere to their Constitutional duties and remove Donald Trump from office immediately.
I also ask those who have been elected and or legally appointed and taken an oath to uphold the Constitution to resist. To not obey illegal orders and to remain in their offices and refuse to allow an out of control President destroy our country.
I would have never believed that our country would be going down this path and that in my 70’s I would still be fighting for democracy against a Fascist threat from within.
As I have often written hundreds of thousands of Americans and our allies died and bled to defeat Fascism and millions of others died at the hands of Fascist. Are we, the children and grandchildren of those who sacrificed so much going to just sit back and let our country be taken over by a dictator/fascist? I for one am not! I am just an old disabled soldier but I will not sit back and calmly fade away while greed and hate take away my country. I have already gone to protests and I will continue to resist if I have to crawl to do it.
I am begging every decent person with morals and a conscience to fight for America and our Constitution! YOU are our only hope.
The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That Are: Resist and Fight